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UACES Graduate Forum

Your network of postgraduate and early-career researchers in contemporary European Studies.
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Upcoming events

Browse our list of future events on all aspects of European Studies.

What do colonial continuities look like in EU law? In what ways has colonialism shaped the practice and theory of EU law? In seeking an answer to these questions, this ISEL event will focus on how acknowledging colonial history could and should inform the present and future practice of EU law, including its research and teaching.

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Book launch of Marija Bartl, Reimagining Prosperity: Toward a New Imaginary of Law and Political Economy in the EU (Cambridge University Press 2024).

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Book launch of Gesa Kubek, EU Trade and Investment Treaty-Making Post-Lisbon: Moving Beyond Mixity (Hart Publishing 2024).

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Start your blog on Ideas on Europe!

Create your own blog on our multi-blog site, Ideas on Europe. This is an online platform for original and informed analyses and comments on European issues. Publish and promote your work and, building up an audience already interested in your research. All blog posts are posted on the @UACESgf Twitter channel with over 12.5k followers. We also run the Crossroads Europe blog. As part of the Graduate Forum, you can become a guest author and publish your work on the collective blog.

Ideas on Europe

Produce a podcast with us!

Looking for some experience in how to produce a podcast? The Graduate Forum has a podcast series that features your research in a 5-10 minutes recording. Check out recent podcasts on our SoundCloud channel.
