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Travel bursaries for PhD Researcher Members of UACES doing essential fieldwork

Are you ready to take your research across borders?

Since 2002, UACES has supported hundreds of postgraduate researchers worldwide, providing them with the opportunity to conduct essential fieldwork in another country.

Our travel scholarships help PhD Researcher Members of UACES explore new perspectives, access valuable resources, and gain insights that transform their research.

The next deadline is Friday 25 October 2024.


Impactful Research

UACES Scholarships aren't just funding - they're an opportunity to carry out vital on the ground research.

Looking for inspiration? See how our 2024 scholarship recipients used their funding to explore diverse and impactful research topics below.


Zala Pochat Križaj, a PhD candidate at King’s College London, used her UACES scholarship to conduct crucial fieldwork in Slovenia, focusing on reconciliation after the post-World War II mass killings. The five-week research trip allowed her to immerse herself in the country’s complex history, conducting interviews with historians, politicians, and other key figures who provided unique insights into the ongoing debates around historical revisionism and reconciliation.

The scholarship enabled Zala to access resources unavailable in London, such as the National and University Library of Ljubljana and government archives, which offered valuable data - even highlighting the significance of missing documents. Her fieldwork also involved visits to local museums, which deepened her understanding of how history is presented and remembered in the public consciousness, shaping the narratives that continue to polarise Slovenia.

Zala’s experience not only enriched her research but also strengthened her professional network and academic development, showcasing the transformative potential of a UACES scholarship. To read more about Zala's trip in a blog post, click here.


Paul Kindermann, a PhD candidate at the London School of Economics, utilised his UACES scholarship to conduct fieldwork in Italy, investigating how citizens form opinions on participatory innovations in the European Union. His research explores public perceptions of new democratic initiatives, such as mini-publics, which aim to increase citizen involvement in EU decision-making.

The UACES scholarship enabled Paul to travel to Tuscany and Campania, where he conducted focus group interviews in Florence and Naples. This fieldwork involved eight group discussions, where participants from diverse backgrounds shared their views on participatory democracy. These sessions were moderated by Paul, with help from his collaborator, Elena Pro, who gave particular help with language barriers. With this assistance, Paul ensured a consistent approach to his qualitative research design, gaining insights into how different demographic groups perceive democratic reforms.

The scholarship not only made the fieldwork possible but also allowed Paul to tackle the practical challenges of conducting comprehensive research abroad. His work contributes to a deeper understanding of democratic engagement in the EU, highlighting the value of UACES support for early-career scholars. To read more about Paul's trip in a blog post, click here.


A Valuable Member Benefit

As a UACES member, you can apply for a scholarship. For 2025, there are four scholarships available worth £1,500 each to support your fieldwork, making it easier to gather data, conduct interviews, or access archives abroad.

This opportunity is exclusively for PhD Researcher Members, anywhere in the world, who are eager to take their studies beyond the classroom and bring new dimensions to their work. The fieldwork must occur between 1 February 2025 and 31 December 2025.

UACES is committed to improving the diversity of those applying for and being awarded scholarships. As such, one scholarship will be reserved for a student who meets the above criteria and is:

  • From an ethnic minority background or from a traditionally under-represented group within European studies AND/OR

  • Is enrolled at a university in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central America or South America AND/OR

  • Is studying for a PhD in a discipline not traditionally associated with UACES (e.g. anthropology, cultural studies, philosophy).


How to Apply

  1. Read the Application Pack: click here to view it.
  2. Complete the Online Application Form: click here to view it. (If you would like to work on your application in advance of completing the online form, you can download the template. Click here to view it. Please do not submit this template form to us.)
  3. Provide a Supervisor Statement: your supervisor should confirm the necessity of your fieldwork (max. 150 words), attached to your application in the Online Application Form or submitted via email ( If via email, it should be sent as a PDF and come directly from your supervisor using their university email address.

The next deadline is Friday 25 October 2024.

Scholarship Recipients 2024




Nosirkhon Kodirov

University of Szeged

The European Union’s Foreign Policy in Central Asia and its Perceptions

Paul Kindermann

LSE – London School of Economics and Political Science

‘Innovating European democracy: The promise of citizen participation in the EU’ examines the potential and desirability of greater citizen involvement in EU decision-making

Yuetong Guo

King's College London

In the context of crisis and changes: the EU's role in international climate policy

Zala Pochat Križaj

King's College London

Mass killings in Kočevski Rog, Slovenia and the strategy of revenge: post-Second World War extrajudicial massacres and reconciliation in contemporary Slovenia