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Memory and the future of Europe

4 May 2020

Memory and the future of Europe examines the role of collective memory in the origins and development of the European Union. It traces Europe's political, economic and financial crisis to the loss of the remembrance of the rupture of 1945.

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The Currency of Solidarity

1 Sep 2020

This book argues that the constitution of the EU has transformed, which occurs when constitutions change without amendment. The transformation is characterized by a broadening of the currency union's stability conception from price stability to also financial stability. Using solidarity as a lens, the book conceptualises the unity of the member states and analyses how this was preserved during the crisis.

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Webinar Series: Multilateralism and Regionalism in Challenging Times

1 Sep - 6 Oct 2021 Online

This series will foster discussions on the bi-regional topics by going beyond the intergovernmental meetings, providing a positive and reflexive dialogue among other actors involved in EU-LAC relations.


Relationships on these islands: the European Union peacebuilding experience

10 Sep 2021

A one-day public workshop historicizing ideas, processes and dynamics behind EU peacebuilding initiatives.

Grand Strategy in 10 Words

14 Jun 2021

This book introduces ten key terms for analysing grand strategy and shows how the world’s great powers – the United States, China, Russia and the European Union (EU) – shape their strategic decisions today.

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EU-Turkey Relations - Theories, Institutions, and Policies

1 Jun 2021

Open Access - This book explores the new complexities and ambiguities that epitomize EU-Turkey relations. It provides full access to a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted relationship through three entry points: Theories and Concepts, Institutions, and Policies.

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Emergency politics beyond the state: Europe’s exceptional transformation

25 May 2021

This panel discussion explores the dynamics, drivers and consequences of today’s exceptional politics in the European Union. Departing from two recent books by Kreuder-Sonnen and White, the speakers examine how the script of emergency rule gets transferred to the transnational setting, how it shapes the public communication of EU actors, and what questions of legitimacy arise. 

Environmental Policy in the EU

7 May 2021

The European Union (EU) has a hugely important effect on the way in which environmental policies are framed, designed and implemented in many parts of the world, but especially Europe. The new edition of this leading textbook provides a state-of-the-art analysis of the EU’s environmental policies.

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Business Lobbying in the European Union

18 Feb 2021

At a time when Europe and business stand at crossroads, this study provides a perspective into how business representation in the EU has evolved and valuable insights into how to organize lobbying strategies and influence policy-making.

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The UK, Ireland & The European Union in a Time of Crisis

26 Feb 2021 Online

In this seminar, we will interrogate how Ireland, the UK and the EU have responded to this crisis. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, and bringing together scholars and practitioners from the social sciences, arts and humanities and health sciences, we will explore differences in these responses, and their consequences. The seminar thus aims to provide an expansive overview of responses to the pandemic, overlaps and gaps, and what lessons may be drawn.

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