UACES: The UK Hub for Expertise in Post-Brexit Europe
From 2017 to 2020 UACES received financial support from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union to run a range of activities supporting our aim to advance education for the public benefit through the promotion of teaching and research in contemporary European Studies.

How was the funding used?
The funding came from the Jean Monnet Support to Associations programme and funded:
The redevelopment of the UACES website
The UACES website redevelopment was of key importance for futureproofing the Association and ensuring that the website remained user-friendly and accessible in the mobile age. The funding from the UPBE project enabled UACES to employ a web developer and a designer to create a new website which optimises user experience and makes the work of the Association and its members more visible.
Doctoral Training Academies
UACES Doctoral Training Academies provide career development training for PhD and Early-Career researchers. The UPBE project provided funding for the following 3 events:
- DTA at Manchester Metropolitan University, 4 November 2017
- DTA at Aston University, Birmingham, 25 November 2018
- DTA at Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent, 24 November 2019
Archival Scholarships
Scholarships for PhD students or Early-Career Researchers to visit the Historical Archives of the European Union at the EUI in Florence. The recipients of this funding were:
- Cleo Davies (University of East Anglia) - Funded in 2018
- Marta Musso (King's College London) - Funded in 2018
- Lucie Chamlian (Kiel University) - Funded in 2019
Graduate Forum Research Conferences
UACES Graduate Forum Research Conferences offer an opportunity for researchers at an early stage in their career to present their original research to a supportive audience. The UPBE project funded 2 in-person research conferences and a virtual seminar series which replaced the 2020 research conference.
- An Actor on Multiple Stages? Hosted by KU Leuven, 12-13 July 2018
- What for the Next European Century? Hosted by Manchester Metropolitan University, 8-9 July 2019
- Sustainable Futures for Europe: A series of virtual seminars taking place in Autumn 2020
If you would like more information about the project and the activities it is funding please email admin [at]
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