Europe in Cha(lle)nging Times
UACES Graduate Forum Online Research Conference 2021
The UACES Graduate Forum Committee is pleased to invite submissions for the Graduate Forum Online Research Conference 2021. Paper and panel proposals are welcomed from PhD and Early-Career researchers worldwide, working in all areas of contemporary European Studies.
‘Europe in Cha(lle)nging Times’
2021 marks new beginnings as Europe and the world are getting to grips with the consequences of 2020, a year like no other. The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted our everyday lives, shifted policy priorities, weakened economies for years to come, limited our freedoms and challenged democratic institutions. Uncertainty and misinformation overload are fuelling populist attitudes in both Europe and the USA. Dramatic events such as the Capitol insurrection or the recent anti-curfew riots in The Netherlands have shown how easily these attitudes can manifest as physical violence. At the same time, the pandemic has reinforced solidarity and humanity across the world. As the EU is attempting to overcome the pandemic in a joint effort, the UK is going its own way after becoming the first country to leave the Union. Travel restrictions, the halt of tourism and a drop in global manufacturing output have highlighted the impact of our pre-Covid lifestyle on the environment and brought about discussions on how best to balance economic and environmental concerns.
Keynote: Gender and LGBTQ+ Identities in the Academic World
In Conversation with UACES member and EDI Officer Professor Roberta Guerrina, Dr Khursheed Wadia (University of Warwick) and Dr Koen Slootmaeckers (City University London).

Key Dates
Find an overview of key dates from CfP, decision making to conference dates.
Call for Paper deadline
Communication of Decisions & Registration Opens
Online Conference
Call for Papers & Panels
The unprecedented changes and challenges Europe and the world face provide a unique opportunity to reflect on how to move forward into a new post-pandemic normality. To look upon uncertain times from an academic perspective we invite postgraduate and early-career researchers from across the field of European studies to submit paper and panel proposals addressing the theme of ‘Europe in Cha(lle)nging Times’.
Submission Requirements
To foster cross-disciplinary conversation, we welcome proposals from all European Studies disciplines and related fields. Including (but not limited to) Political Science, Law, Sociology, Economics, History, Gender Studies, Anthropology, International Relations and Public Policy. We hope that this conference will address the topic in a variety of ways and from a range of perspective.
RequirementsResearch Funding for Delegates
Delegates who attend the UACES Graduate Forum Conference 2021 will be eligible to receive a one-off research stipend of up to 100 GBP. This funding recognises the challenges facing PhD and Early-Career Researchers because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The funding will be available following attendance at the conference and will only be awarded upon presentation of receipts and a valid claim form.
Some examples of how the funding could be used include:
- The purchase of books relevant to your research
- Covering the cost of setting up a website to facilitate or communicate your research
- Purchasing equipment to assist you with at-home working
- Covering the cost of travel (if safe to do so) to conduct interviews or fieldwork
- Covering the cost of registration for a conference
You may be able to think of other ways to use the funding available. If you have an idea about how the funding could be usefully used to facilitate your research, please write to us at to confirm that this expenditure would be eligible BEFORE making any purchases.
Terms and Conditions of the funding
Supported by
The Graduate Forum Online Research Conference is part of the SaFES project.
This project is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.