Confronting ‘Europe’
DIMES Closing Conference
The conference marks the end of this Erasmus+-funded project which has sought to interrogate the Eurocentrism at the heart of European Studies and look at ways in which the field can be more inclusive of a range of perspectives, diverse in its demography and multidisciplinary in its approach to its object of study.

UACES is pleased to be organising the closing conference of the DIMES project at the University of Pretoria on 16-17 February 2023.
The conference will consider Europe’s role in the world and the way in which the ‘idea’ of Europe is propagated? Where does it come from? How does it persist? How can it be challenged? And, how does European Studies change when it is no longer approached from a Eurocentric perspective?
The conference is free to attend and open to all. We are also planning to offer a live stream of both days to those who cannot travel to Pretoria.
Please register to attend here.
The provisional programme is below, and further speakers will be confirmed.
16 February 2023
13:00-14:30 – Keynote Speech from Prof Christopher Isike (University of Pretoria): 'A decolonial approach to teaching and learning International Relations Theory in Africa'
14:30-15:30 – Exhibition of creative work on ‘The Meaning of “Europe” in a Globalised World’
15:30-17:00 – ‘The Role of Europe in the World: In conversation with Elisabet Dahlberg Frisk (Diplomat with EU Delegation to South Africa)’ chaired by Dr Frank Mattheis (UNU-CRIS)
17:00-18:30 – Drinks Reception
17 February 2023
9:00-10:30 – Contemporary European Studies: Crisis, Disciplinarity and the Shaping of a Field
Chair: Dr Maxine David (Leiden University)
Speakers: Dr Başak Alpan (Middle East Technical University), Dr Meng-Hsuan Chou (NTU Singapore), Dr Nicholas Ross Smith (University of Canterbury), Prof Ummu Salma Bava (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
11:00-12:30 – Knowledge Production and Pedagogy: Lessons for EUrope
Chair: Prof Victoria Graham (University of Pretoria)
Speakers: Prof Jacqui Ala (Wits University), Gallous Atabongwoung (University of Pretoria), Dr Ali Onur Ozçelik (Eskişehir Osmangazi University), Dr Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm (Bahçeşehir University)
13:30-15:00 – The Meaning of “Europe” in a Contested World
Chair: Prof Toni Haastrup (University of Stirling)
Speakers: Prof Babátúndé Fágbàyíbọ́ (University of Pretoria), Dr Polly Pallister-Wilkins (University of Amsterdam), Dr Olivia Rutazibwa (LSE), Ms Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (South African Institute of International Affairs)
15:30-17:00 - Diversity, Inclusion and Multidisciplinarity in European Studies: Reflections and Future Plans